Riding bicycles for health

Cycling competitions among students of the Branch of Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent were held within the territory of the Botanical Garden of the capital.

Students of the academic groups of the URG Branch - "Operation and maintenance of gas production facilities, gas condensate and underground storage facilities" and UGI - "Geological exploration technology" competed in two types of distances - 500 meters and 2 000 meters.

The participants had to overcome uncertainty, go to the starting line and cover the distance in the shortest possible time.

It is noteworthy that the organizers of the competition - the teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Branch - provided for the complete safety of the movement of students: unlike roads on the streets of the capital, which require stopping traffic during sports competitions, they chose the most convenient location, and also calculated the time of the competition absence of visitors, took care of the inventory.

The results of the participants by the panel of judges - teachers I. Babicheva, R. Abdurakhmanov, I. Skulkova, E. Iskhakbayev have been determined according to the time of passage of each of the segments of the competition.

According to the results of the cycling marathon, the best were:

1st place - Komila Ergasheva (UGI-19-01),

2nd place - Nigina Rakhmatova (UGI -19-01),

3rd place - Diana Zabarova (UGI-18-01);

Among boys:

1st place - Vladislav Shmakov (URG-19-01),

2nd place - Tokhir Nazarov (URG-17-01),

3rd place - Umid Obobakhromov (URG-17-01).

As the head of the department "Physical education and sport" of the Branch, PhD I.V. Babicheva noted, the cycling competition among students aimed at popularizing a healthy lifestyle in general, improving the technical skills of the participants, and identifying the best student cyclists.

- The participation of Kamola Malikova and Nodira Kodirova, together with the students of laboratory assistants of the General Chemistry and Chemistry of Oil and Gas department, was a significant event. We plan to hold the competitions in full in order to make them massive, because our goal is to improve the health of students and staff, to attract a larger number of amateur athletes, - said I.V. Babicheva.

Press-service of the Branch.