Labour Union of the Branch


Composition of the Labour Union


Chairman of the Labour Union: Alimbekova Firuza Rustamovna  -
Head of the department for the formation of the portfolio of orders, the distribution of graduates for work and monitoring
Labour union members: Каrimberdiyeva Gulistan Rakhimovna -
treasurer, head of registrar office
  Lejepyokova Nadejda Petrovna -
head of Scientific Council Secretary
  Nadirova Nina Alekseyevna -
senior lecturer of “Professional disciplines”
  Muminova Rano Abdumutalovna -
building manager


Information about the Labour Union of the Branch trade union committee

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Trade Unions"

Sanatories and children's health camps

Sample application for the purchase of vouchers to the Children's Health Camp

Information about the procedure for purchasing vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes of the trade union system of Uzbekistan

Official website of the spa administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan