Department "Manaviyat and Marifat" and on work with youth
Department "Manaviyat and Marifat" and on work with youth of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city (hereinafter – Branch) was established in 2007 and is functioning on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as of January 12, 2007 № PP-564 “On the organization of the activities of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city”.
Department "Manaviyat and Marifat" and on work with youth of the Branch is one of the main managing departments in the system of the moral education process. The department formulates and regulates the education of students in the spirit of the idea of national independence, stimulates the growth of national identity, expands the professional horizons, contributes to the development of cognitive interest and a deeper development of the profession. In addition, the department creates conditions for the harmonious development and organization of meaningful leisure activities in the Branch and in the students’ dormitory.
In order to further improve and improve the efficiency of educational processes in the branch, the main tasks of the department are the following:
approval of a healthy lifestyle among young people, protecting them from drug addiction, immorality, harmful influences, threats and influences of reactionary ideologies and extremist slogans penetrating from outside;
organization on a systemic basis of comprehensive legal propaganda among the students of the Branch;
• Strengthening direct relations with parents, Mahalla (local authorities) and various public organizations;
• holding various contests, sports and recreational programs, festivals, competitions among students, creative exhibitions, excursions;
• raising the level of musical culture of the students of the Branch;
• ensuring the efficient conducting of the “Information Class” conducted by the group supervisors.