Human Resources Department
The Personnel Department of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M.Gubkin in Tashkent is a structural subdivision of the Branch.
The department in its work is guided by:
- the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
-the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, instructions, orders and decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekneftegaz, Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after IM Gubkin, decisions of the Council of the Branch, orders of the director, deputy I am the director - the executive director of the Branch and other normative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- norms of international law;
- charter of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M.Gubkin;
- charter of the Branch;
- quality management system;
- a collective agreement and other local acts of the Branch;
- regulations on the department;
- methodological materials on personnel management.
The purpose of the Human Resources Department is to provide the Personnel with the Personnel, staffing the required professions and qualifications in accordance with the tasks and activities of the Branch, developing a personnel policy, observing the rights, benefits and guarantees of employees in the field of labor law, as well as maintaining records management in accordance with law Republic of Uzbekistan.
- maintenance of personnel workflow; the effective selection and placement of personnel in accordance with their business and professional qualities;
- organization of a qualitative and effective personal accounting system, processing and processing of personnel documents and incoming information in a timely manner, ensuring their safety, compiling all types of personnel reporting;
- ensuring the implementation of the current labor legislation;
- constant improvement of work with personnel, improvement of professional skill, creation of a personnel reserve;
- monitoring compliance with the legislative and other normative legal acts on labor legislation in the branches of the Branch, the provisions of the Collective Agreement.
Toshkent shahridagi I.M.Gubkin nomidagi (МТU) Rossiya davlat neft va gaz universiteti filialining Xodimlar boshqarmasi filialning tarkibiy bo'linmasi hisoblanadi.
Kafedra o'z faoliyatini quyidagi yo'nalishlarda olib boradi:
- O'zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi;
- O'zbekiston Respublikasining Mehnat kodeksi;
O'zbekiston Respublikasining qonunlari, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi palatalarining qarorlari, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining farmonlari va farmoyishlari, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining farmonlari va qarorlari, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o'rta maxsus ta'lim vazirligining buyruqlari va qarorlari, АК "O'zbekneftgaz", I.M.Gubkin nomidagi (МТU) Rossiya davlat neft va gaz universiteti, Filial Kengashi qarorlari, direktorning buyruqlari, direktor o'rinbosari - ijrosi direktori filiali, O'zbekiston Respublikasining boshqa normativ hujjatlari
Inson resurslari departamentining maqsadi xodimlarni xodimlar bilan ta'minlash, filialning vazifalari va faoliyatiga muvofiq kadrlar bilan ta'minlash, kadrlar siyosatini ishlab chiqish, mehnat qonunchiligida xodimlarning huquqlarini, imtiyozlari va kafolatlariga rioya qilish, shuningdek, qonun hujjatlariga muvofiq ro'yxatga olishni yuritish O'zbekiston Respublikasi.
- xodimlar ishini ta'minlash; xodimlarni o'z biznesiga va kasbiy fazilatlariga muvofiq samarali tanlash va joylashtirish;
- kadrlarning sifatli va samarali shaxsiy hisobini yuritish, xodimlar hujjatlarini qayta ishlash va qayta ishlashni tashkil etish, shuningdek, o'z vaqtida qabul qilinadigan axborotni ta'minlash, ularning xavfsizligini ta'minlash, kadrlar hisobotining barcha turlarini tuzish;
- amaldagi mehnat qonunchiligini bajarilishini ta'minlash;
- xodimlar bilan ishlashni muntazam takomillashtirish, malakasini oshirish, kadrlar zaxirasini yaratish;
- filial filiallarida mehnat qonunchiligi to'g'risidagi qonunchilik va boshqa me'yoriy-huquqiy hujjatlarga, Kollektiv bitim qoidalariga rioya etilishini nazorat qilish.
Contact Information:
100125, Tashkent, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Durmon Yuli street, 34
Telephone: +99871 262-70-36, ext. 133
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Valiev Saidamin Bahtiyarovich head of personnel department