Khairova Dinara Rimovna
Education: higher, specialty "Heat and gas supply, ventilation, air conditioning" (1982, qualification: civil engineer)
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences (1990)
Academic title: Associate Professor (1994)
Position: acting Professor of the Department of Economics of oil and gas
Total work experience: 37 years
Teaching experience: 30 years
In 1982 she graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute with a degree in civil engineering. She began her labor and scientific activities in 1982 as a candidate for the Department of Economics and Construction Management of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute.
1984-1989 - full-time postgraduate student department of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. In the period
2009-2012. - Head of the Department of Management, Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Currently, he is the acting professor of oil and gas economics.
The degree of candidate of economic Sciences awarded by the decision of Council at the Institute of scientific and technical information and Economics of the building materials industry EC No. 029794 28.06.1989, and approved by the higher attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers 24.01.1990 G. Academic rank of associate Professor has the order of the Higher attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan OZ No. 001205 dated 31.03.1994 G.
She has more than 75 publications, including 1 textbook, 14 study guides, 6 teaching materials, 3 regulatory documents and guidelines in the field of construction, articles in peer-reviewed journals, scientific and educational works in collections and conference materials at various levels.
She was an executor of state-owned research (under a grant from the Center for Science and Technology) research and contractual research, with her participation fundamental research was carried out related to the effective development of the material and technical base of construction in the context of economic modernization.
She took the 1st place in the intra-University stage of the competition "the Best teacher of higher educational institution" in the nomination "the Best teacher in the use of innovative and information technologies"(2016)
For contribution to the training of professional staff and support for the creative initiative of young people in 2006, she was awarded a letter from the Shaykhantakhur hokimiyat in honor of the 15th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Contact phone: +998 (90) 176 50 38
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Римма Абдуталипова
Здравствуйте, уважаемые губкинцы! Пользуясь вашей информационной платформой, от лица всех студентов Ташкентского Архитектурно-строительного института (нынешних и прежних, учиться у такого Мастера всегда есть чему) хочу выразить искреннюю признательность за многолетний труд талантливого преподавателя, за ее терпение и желание сеять разумное, доброе, вечное, в наши не всегда разумные головы :) Невероятно творческий человек, с большой любовью относящаяся к своей профессиональной деятельности. Жаль, что Вы не преподавали большую часть предметов в нашем Вузе, отличников у нас было бы больше:) Удачи Вам, любви и терпения!!!