“Rendezvous” studio theater
“Rendezvous” studio theater was created on the initiative of students in 2017. The main aim that we set for ourselves is to teach students the basics of acting technique. An important foundation for obtaining these skills is self-improvement of each student, demonstration of the talent on the stage by integrating his inner world, the ability not to be afraid of his fears. After all, “having reached the end, people laugh at the fears which they were afraid of at the beginning.”
The theater studio will not only teach new things, but also improve your qualities. Do you play great on the stage? Do you know the basics of the oratory art? Everything is great, but here you can improve, you can develop for the better, you can go up. “Rendezvous” is the atmosphere in which there is a lot of creativity, friendship, talent, rehearsal, excitement, scenes, roles, costumes, games, tears, joy, emotions, colors, love, sorrow, happiness, fantasy and smiles. Studio will teach to work in a team. Very often studio members spend time together, and this time unites people with completely different views and creates one large family “Rendezvous”.
All that we demonstrate to the audience is, first of all, the result of each member’s work on his internal qualities, contestation with the fears. We are engaged in the development of imagination, creativity, attention, memory, oratory, ability to interact with a partner, as well as ability to work in a team.
Due to the frequent rehearsals, we spend a lot of time together. It made us closer to each other. The atmosphere in the studio, the attitude of the members to each other – all has promoted the fact that we have become not just a theatre team, but a real family.
Everything that happens on the stage is taking place here and now, and both a spectator and an actor are not separated by the wall of the movie screen, the actions of the characters, their experiences and emotions make spectators deeply feel and immerse themselves in the life of the play’s heroes and get along with them through the whole play. Very often these feelings and emotions appear much brighter than in everyday life. They provoke the person to internal changes. So we are dreaming about the performances that make the spectator think about his and other people’s actions, rethink the usual attitudes of his life as well as want to change for the better.
The pace student life is very fussy and busy therefore the schedule of classes and rehearsals is flexible, depending on the possibilities of the students, but nonetheless it is very intensive.
“Rendezvous” is a meeting of people with everyday life, classes, assessments, tests, sessions ... It is the meeting at which an ordinary student can become Romeo in love or turn into King Lear. It is enough to cross the threshold, and you will find yourself in another world full of illusions and creativity.
Under the theater itself our studio implies art and the revelation of personality. “Rendezvous” studio theater is a special place. It is the place where you want to return, to splash out emotions, to hide from the annoying outside world or just to have a cozy and warm time.
There is only one rule in “Rendezvous” — the people who come here must do what they really want. Studio leaders will be happy to accept any student as an actor and help him realize any fantastic ideas.
Our faces
Polatov Adilbek |
Galeeva Kameya |
Akhrorkulova Eugenia |
Isroilova Munisa |
Kim Valeria group RG 17-01 |
Nazarova Laziz group EE 17-01 |
Moxirjonov Mirshoxid |
Xalilullina Sofiy |
Zdobnyakova Aleksandra |
Isakov Muxammad Iso |
Gafforiya Muborak |
Xamidov O'ktam |
Urakova Malika |
Rasulov Elyor |
Nurkhodjaeva Shaxnoza |
Norbutaev Islom |
Mansurova Guzal |
Karimova Malika |
“Rendezvous” studio theater was created on the initiative of students in 2017. The main aim that we set for ourselves is to teach students the basics of acting technique. An important foundation for obtaining these skills is self-improvement of each student, demonstration of the talent on the stage by integrating his inner world, the ability not to be afraid of his fears. After all, “having reached the end, people laugh at the fears which they were afraid of at the beginning.”
The theater studio will not only teach new things, but also improve your qualities. Do you play great on the stage? Do you know the basics of the oratory art? Everything is great, but here you can improve, you can develop for the better, you can go up. “Rendezvous” is the atmosphere in which there is a lot of creativity, friendship, talent, rehearsal, excitement, scenes, roles, costumes, games, tears, joy, emotions, colors, love, sorrow, happiness, fantasy and smiles. Studio will teach to work in a team. Very often studio members spend time together, and this time unites people with completely different views and creates one large family “Rendezvous”.
Sahnada bo'layotgan har bir jarayon - ayni paytda va shu yerda sodir bo’lmoqda, tomoshabin va aktyor kino ekranining devori bilan bo'linmaydi, personajlarning harakatlari, ularning tashvishlari tomoshabinlarni spektakl qahramonlari hayotiga tushib, ular bilan birga hayotning bir qismini yashaydi. Ko'p hollarda ushbu tajribalar kundalik hayotdan ko'ra yorqinroq. Ular odamni ichkva sessiyi o'zgarishlarga undaydi, tomoshabinni o'zlarining harakatlariga nisbatan o'ylab ko'rishi, hayotining me'yorlarini qayta ko'rib chiqish uchun asos yaratib, hamma narsani yaxshiroq o'zgartirish uchun fikrni keltirib chiqaradi.
“Randevu” – bu kundalik hayoti darslar, nazorat ishlari, test sinovlari, sessiyasi bilan to’lgan yoshlarning uchrashuvi... Bu oddiy talaba bir zumda sevgi qissiga duchor bo’lgan Romeo yohud Qirol Lirga aylanishiga imkon beradigan uchrashuv. B irgina qadam bosishingiz kifoya, va siz o’zgacha illyuziya va ijodga boy olamga kirib qolasiz.
Teatr ko’rinishida bizning studiya birinchi navbatda, san'atni va shaxsning iste’dotlari ochilishini ko'radi. "Randevu" teatr studiyasi – bu noyob muhit. Bu his-tuyg'ularingizni tashqariga chiqaradigan, zerikarli tashqi dunyodan yashiriladigan yoki shunchaki vaqtingizni qulay va qiziqarli o’tkazadigan, har doim qaytmoqchi bo’ladigan joydir.
Studiyaning asosiy printsipi - jamoaviy va shaxsiy ishlarda ishtirok etish. "Randevu" teatr studiyasi yangi ishtirokchilarga doimo xursand va sizni sabrsizlik bilan kutmoqda. Studiya rahbarlari har qanday talabani aktyor sifatida qabul qilishdan va har qanday ajoyib g'oyalarni amalga oshirishda yordam berishdan xursand bo'ladi.
Bizning yuzlarimiz
How to get to us?
For detailed information please contact the studio representatives.
Artistic Director - Polatov Adilbek (tel: +99890 988-34-24)
Deputy artistic director - Galeeva Kameya (tel: +99890 354-64-20)
E-mail: teatr_rgu@mail.ru
Duration: from 14-00 to 18-00.
We are in social networks: Instagram@teatrstudio.gubkin