Selecting the right profession is the precondition for future success!

Reasonable choice of profession makes an impact on the future life, determines the success of self-realization, socialization, career and professional development. The need to organize efficient professional advisory services aimed at assisting meets public and personal requirements, making this problem extremely urgent.

On October 29 Pupils of 10-form of school №129 of Uchtepa district of Tashkent city with deputy director Khurshida Akhmadovna Isaeva and class supervisors: G.Ruziyeva, N.Abdullayeva, S.Korakhodjayeva visited the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M.Gubkin in Tashkent city.

The Deputy Dean of the Faculty on academic affairs Arzaym Madreimovna Erejepova informed the school representatives about the structure of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M.Gubkin in Tashkent city, the activities of the specialized academic lyceum, preparation courses, activities of the Youth Union, sports clubs and sections of the Branch.

As A.Erejepova has noted, “As far as we know, creating professional life plans of students, their choice of future career, the proof of this choice can be judged by the degree of success in the implementation of the future professional sphere of the younger generation, as well as satisfaction with their jobs”.

The Deputy Dean of the Faculty on moral education Furkat Rikhsiyevich Mirkamalov has emphasized that “... the success of the professional activity depends primarily on the abilities of the students. The success of the chosen profession is determined by the need to be engaged in this particular activity and to have interests and motives associated with it”.

If you follow the goals and improve your skills and abilities, then each person can easily become successful in their occupation!