Material and technical support and aquipment of the educational process

Information on the availability of educational buildings

buildings Address
1 Learning building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 Building
2 Laboratory building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 Building
3 Sport building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 Building
4 Students home Durmon Yuli Street, 34 Building
5 Students home Olimlar Street, 64 Building
6 Administrative building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 Building


About the availability of student accommodation

Name of the indicator Value
student houses 2
internats -
Total area, м2
of student houses 12906
of internats -
Living space, м2
of student houses 10860
of internats -
Количество мест
in student houses 450
in internats -
Provision of homes for students, boarding schools with 100% soft and hard inventory at the established standard norms 100%
Availability of food (including buffets, canteens) (yes / no)
in student houses no
in internats -


Information on the provision of buildings with information and communication tools

buildings address Numbering rooms Number of floors Number of computers The number of computers connected to the Internet

Number of servers

1 Learning building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 101-625 6 260 200 0
2 Laboratory building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 1-6 2 3 0 0
3 Sport building Durmon Yuli Street, 34 0 2 2 1 0
4 Student Home Durmon Yuli Street, 34 1-126 4 7 0 0

Administrative building

Durmon Yuli Street, 34 1-43 3 72 60 4


Classroom Information

Total number of rooms, halls and auditoriums 104
Number of rooms used in management and other processes 21
Number of rooms used in management and other processes 83
Stream audience 3
Computer classes 6
Lingaphone classes 2