The New Year is a couple of miracles and wishes come true, and who but the children are waiting for the New Year’s magic? After all, it was in childhood that each of us was looking forward to this time of the year, when vacations, holidays, a lot of sweets and gifts under the Christmas tree are ahead. But, not everyone is destined to feel the taste of the New Year's atmosphere, unfortunately, there are such children who cannot attend New Year's events, participate in performances with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but they, like other children, dream of a gift from Santa Claus and are waiting for his arrival. It has become a good tradition for the students of the Branch to fulfill the dream of such a child.
On December 22, 2022, 4th and 5th year students of the “Geological Exploration Technology” education profile, the leader of the Youth Union, as well as a new movement in the Branch - volunteers of the “Social Assistance” sector, held an annual charity trip to boarding school No. 125 for children with disabilities, which is located in Gazalkent.
Everyone contributed to the creation of a holiday for children, because a charity pre-New Year's fair of homemade cakes was held in the foyer of the Branch, the proceeds from which also went to gifts for children.
All participants in this project became full participants in the fairy tale called the New Year, the pupils of the school called Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with genuine joy, the volunteers presented a dramatization of the fairy tale, musical numbers, and fun game competitions. The competition program was fun and positive. The children were completely engrossed in the process. For participation in competitions, children received small sweet prizes and children’s toys.
The organizers of the event are grateful to everyone who supported and helped in holding the action, as well as the administration of the boarding school for the opportunity to communicate with children. The meeting ended with a group photo and presentation of New Year's gifts to all pupils.
We are very glad that we can help children to believe in a fairy tale on this wonderful bright holiday.
“Manaviyat and marifat” and the work with the youth work department