“The most dedicated teacher”
In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 7 of this year №PD-309 “On measures to create an educational and production cluster in the oil and gas industry”, according to the order of the Chairman of the Board of Uzbekneftegaz JSC, Uzbekistan GTL LLC announced the competition “The most dedicated teacher” for the research fellows and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions.
On October 28 this year, at the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference in the administrative building of the Uzbekistan GTL plant, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the competition.
It should be noted that there have been proposed over 200 lecturers, the senior lecturer of the Department of Development of Oil, Gas and Gas Condensate Fields of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent Akhmedov Mirzaanvar Mohidzhonovich joined top-9 and was awarded the tile “The most dedicated teacher”.
On behalf of the staff of the Branch of Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent, we sincerely congratulate Mirzaanvar Akhmedov, we wish him not to stop there and achieve even greater success!