Integration of education through the prism of international cooperation

In compliance with the Memorandum concluded, on April 13, there was held an online meeting by the Executive Director of Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent A. Magrupov with representatives of Pandit Denedayal Energy University. During the meeting, the parties came to an agreement on the organization of:


  • participation of representatives of Pandit Denedayal Energy with reports at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation activity in science and education as a key factor in the development of the oil and gas industry”, which will be held at the Branch on November 3, 2022;
  • academic exchange of students in areas of training;

the possibility of training graduates of the Branch in the master’s program of Pandit Denedayal Energy University within the framework of the relevant master's programs;

  • qualification upgrading of research and pedagogical staff, employees or specialists, as well as conducting joint research projects.

As a result of the negotiations, representatives of the Pandit Denedayal Energy University held an international webinar on the topic “Hydrogen Energy” for the faculty, researchers and students of the Branch, which allowed the participants of the webinar to acquire a certain amount of theoretical knowledge and get acquainted with international best practices in the field of hydrogen energy. The webinar, held in English, aroused great interest among the audience and contributed to increasing motivation in conducting scientific research.

По итогам переговоров, представители Университета Пандит Денедаял Энерджи провели для профессорско-преподавательского состава, научных сотрудников и студентов Филиала международный вебинар на тему «Водородная энергетика», что позволило участникам вебинара овладеть определенным багажом теоретических знаний и ознакомиться с передовым международным опытом в области водородной энергетики. Вебинар, проведенный на английском языке, вызвал большой интерес среди слушателей и способствовал повышению мотивации в проведении научных исследований.
