“The book is the source of knowledge”

On February 19, 2021, in order to implement the Five Initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Students’ Dormitory the meeting was held with the poet and translator, member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan Khumoyun Akbarov. This event was held under the motto “A book is a source of knowledge’". The Deputy Dean for Work with Youth, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, the Department of Manaviyat and Marifat and for Work with Youth, a teacher-educator, a psychologist of the Branch, as well as students of academic groups participated in this event.

Reading books is a very important, integral part of the life of every thinking, analyzing, developing person. At the meeting, it was noted that in the modern world, living books have replaced social networks, television, and so on. You can also get information of interest through television, but you should not confuse a reading person with a keen viewer. Both one and the other are involved in the process of receiving and processing information. From the latter, mental activity is required to the least extent. The visual series of news is accompanied by ready-made video images, so that a finished product is pushed into consciousness, which does not require any participation. Therefore, a person who consumes the flow of information through visual media can be called a consumer. Moreover, a reading person is a thinking and creative person.

Despite the fact that the contemporary world offers us a lot of alternative sources of information, books are still the best of them. Thanks to them, you can not only learn something new, but also learn how to qualitatively analyze this or that phenomenon. Khumoyun Akbarov has emphasized that functional illiteracy begins to appear in a person who does not read. Mental abilities directly depend on the volume of books read in a lifetime. It is also surprising that there is a clear relationship between reading skills and human cognitive abilities.

According to Khumoyun Akbarov, the book acquires the status of a separate person, and is an example for readers. He also urged student youth to read not only foreign literature, but also refer to the works of Uzbek authors, such as: "Baburnome" about the life and work of Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, "Mahbub al-kulub" A. Navoi, "Navoi" Aibek, "Star nights ”by Pirimkul Kadyrov and many others. The writer also spoke about his creative activity; he translated into Uzbek the works of such great writers as A.S. Pushkin, A.P. Chekhov, Chingiz Aytmatov and many others.

At the end of the event, the head of the department "Manaviyat and Marifat" and for work with youth K.A. Sultonov expressed his gratitude to the guest of honor for such an interesting conversation and presented the book as a keepsake on behalf of the Branch.