Bakhtiyor Abdugafurovich Mavlyankariev

Education: higher in the specialty automation of chemical technological processes (1970, qualification: process engineer)

Academic rank: Doctor of Technical Sciences (1998), Professor (2001), Academician of the World Academy of Sciences of Integrated Safety (2003)

Job position: Professor of the Department of Design, Construction and Operation of Pipeline Transport Systems

Total working experience: 50 years 8 months

Teaching experience: 47 years 3 months

Graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1970. Since 1970 to 1972 years was working as assistant of the department of automation of production processes of Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. From 1972 to 1975 years continued his postgraduate study at this Institute. He worked as assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of automation of production processes in 1975-1991. 1991-1993 worked as Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Automation of Production Processes of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute. From 1993 to 2007 worked as Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Control, Communication and Alarm Systems of the Higher Technical School of Fire Safety. 2007-2018 Professor of the Department of Fire Safety of Technological Processes of the Institute of Fire Safety (now the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan). 2018-2019 - Head of the Scientific Department of the Institute of Civil Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Since 2019 has been working as a professor of the Department of Design, Construction and Operation of Pipeline Transport Systems of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent.

Research activity - Regional Head of the International Association "System - Service" (Moscow), member of the organizing committee of the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Security Systems" of the International Informatization Forum (Moscow, Russia), member of International conferences: (1998-2020) "Problems of managing the safety of complex systems" Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), the author of a number of proposals for the coordination of efforts of the scientific and technical potential of the republic in the analysis, development of a methodology for organizing and implementing measures for the life support and safety of facilities, incl. creation of the Center for Integrated Security Systems.

The defense of the doctoral dissertation was held at the Moscow Institute of Fire Safety (now the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation) in the specialties: 05.13.06 - "Automated control systems" and 05.26.03 - "Fire and industrial safety" (1998)

The author of over 340 scientific papers, 4 monographs, 15 inventions, 8 patents and 46 teaching and methodological aids. Over 250 scientific papers have been published in foreign technical journals and highlighted in the abstracts of foreign international conferences.

State awards and titles: Order of "Fidokorona Hizmatlari Uchun" (2008); Laureate of the Youth Prize (1977); "Inventor of the USSR" (1981); Laureate of the Contests of scientific and technical creativity of youth  (NTTM-84 and NTTM-86, respectively, silver and bronze medals of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements). Winner of the first National Competition for Innovative Research, held as part of the International Festival "Inno Week-2018" (2018)


Contact number: (+99871) 2627091      



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