Educational-methodical department

The educational-methodical department is a structural subdivision of the branch, which carries out planning, organization, methodological support of the educational process.

Aims and objectives of the educational-methodical department:

coordination of the learning process;

educational and methodological support of the educational process;

develops and implements proposals to improve the educational process;

effectively uses the resource base available in the Branch in the educational process;

preparation of proposals for planning the workload of departments and staff planning;

planning all classroom assignments and exams.


Educational standards 

Regulations on the educational-methodical complex


Contact information:

Address: 100125, Tashkent city, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Durmon yuli street, 34

Phone: +99871 262-70-31, internal phone. 128

Zarina Furqatovna

head of the educational and methodical department


Phones: +99871 262-80-29; int. 123