Forward to the victory!

A football tournament between the teams of groups of students I-IV courses devoted to the national holiday Navruz ended On March 31, 2018 in the sports hall of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent. The tournament was organized by the teachers of the Physical Education and Sports Department B. Jalilov and M. Mustaev, whose main goal is to motivate the students of the Branch with inspiration to be engaged in physical culture and sports during extra-curricular time, popularize mini-football, popularize an active, healthy lifestyle , attracting our youth to active sports, expanding and strengthening the friendly ties of the football players

I place was won by the team TP-16-01.

II place was won by the team RB-16-01.

III place was won by the team of RB-16-02.

Winners and participants of the tournament were awarded with certificates and a traditional cup.