Open lesson with the participation of Professor of Sichuan University

March 1, 2018 in the Branch of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) in Tashkent held an open lesson on modern problems and the prospects for the development of mathematical science with the participation of Farhod Khasanovich Ashkhmatov, professor of the Sichuan University (China). The lesson was attended by students of the first and second courses, as well as the teaching staff of the department of "Mathematics and Informatics". The lecturer acquainted listeners with modern problems facing mathematicians and the state of mathematical science in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad. At the end of the lesson, the lecturer answered questions of interest to students.

On the same day, a meeting was held in the sector of scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with the participation of Professor F. Kh. Eshmatov, where issues of establishing international relations with Sichuan University were considered. In the future, it is planned to sign a memorandum between our universities.