«OIL & GAS - 2018»

On February 26, 2018, the annual student scientific conference "OIL AND GAS-2018" is held in the Branch of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) in Tashkent

The program of the conference provides for the presentation of reports on the following sections:

1. Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields;

2. Development of oil and gas fields;

3. Drilling of oil and gas wells;

4. Engineering and applied mechanics of oil and gas complex;

5. Chemical technology and ecology in the oil and gas industry;

6. Automation and computer facilities in oil and gas business;

7. Economics and management in the oil and gas industry;

8. Humanities. Legal support for the development of the oil and gas industry;

9. Presentation of scientific papers in English.