New Uzbekistan - updated elections

On December 5, a meeting dedicated to the upcoming elections in our country was held at the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent. It should be noted that representatives of the administrative staff of the Branch, heads of offices, laboratory assistants and professors and teachers of the departments attended the meeting. During the meeting speeches devoted to the modern essence and content of the upcoming elections were made. Elections will be held on a single voting day - December 22. It was noted that the current election is based on the new Code adopted in place of the five previous laws. That is, it is an updated system with new conditions.

The speakers focused on other changes in preparation for the election, namely, taking into account the recommendations of international observers on improving the electoral process. In particular, uniform electronic voter lists were introduced. These voting papers turned into a database of throughout the republic. In addition, for the first time they provided the right to vote to convicted persons who committed less serious public danger and less serious crimes. The categories of citizens who may be election observers have been expanded. If earlier they included only representatives of political parties, foreign and international observers, now representatives of makhallyas can also monitor the process of the election campaign so that voting takes place openly, transparently and without breaking the law.

Another innovation is a comprehensive work with our voters abroad. According to various sources, speakers emphasized that about two million citizens are abroad, and in this regard, every effort has been made to provide them with the opportunity to participate in the elections. For this, a lot of work is being done on close cooperation with our foreign affairs agencies, embassies and consulates.