My favorite descriptive geometry

The results of the first round of the quiz titled “My Favorite Descriptive Geometry”, conducted by Nina Alekseevna Nadyrova, a Senior Lecturer and Nona Ildarovna Kuvaeva, a Lecturer, of the Department of General Professional Disciplines were summed up at a meeting of the Engineer-Constructor circle at the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent.

Build your house on the stone

For three years, the Engineer-Constructor circle has been successfully operating within the framework of activities of the Department of General Professional Disciplines. Among the goals of creating a circle is the development of students' creative thinking, increasing their internal organization, fostering a conscious attitude to study, as well as consolidating and deepening the knowledge acquired in the learning process.

In total, the circle includes 32 branch students studying in the field of oil business. Meetings are held here every week. Students have an opportunity to deepen the knowledge gained during lectures and practical classes, discussing at meetings, in particular, topics such as, for example, surface scanning and modeling. Students immediately apply the obtained information in practice: for example, one of the types of creative work is the implementation of models of cardboard parts. During their construction, students realize their ideas about the geometric image, which is important, making accurate calculations and correct drawing constructions. As a result, modeling allows students to master graphic skills, contributes to the development of creative and mental activity, which is so important for them to form as future highly qualified specialists in the oil and gas industry.

Quiz as a stage of the cognitive process

It should be noted that the title of the quiz “My favorite descriptive geometry” was proposed by the students themselves, as they explained, in order to practice descriptive geometry in a circle and put this knowledge into practice, you need to love to study and love the discipline itself.

During the quiz, the "circle" solved, in particular, his proposed problems of intersecting a plane with a surface, finding points of meeting a straight line with a surface of revolution. Students also coped with the implementation of such an unusual task as solving a crossword puzzle in descriptive geometry. It had such questions as: the exact scheme for solving the problem, formed on behalf of the mathematician Al-Khorezmi; it can be constructed by finding 2 common points on different planes.

Performing quiz tasks, students demonstrated their knowledge of descriptive geometry, logical thinking, as well as a high speed of understanding and the correct solution of their complex tasks.

In the meantime, the following students have become the winners of the first stage of the quiz: Eldor Utabekov (URG 19-01), Asylbek Oralbaev (URN 19-01), Amina Fatkulina (URN 19-01), Saidamin Rakhimov (URG19-01), Sardor Odilov (URG19-01) .

Press service of the Branch

На фото: участники кружка,
победители 1 тура викторины «Моя любимая начертательная геометрия»
Амина Фаткулина и Саидамин Рахимов.